Check Volume - Check and repair error to ensure file system integrity. Hide Volume - Hide partition from File Explorer to prevent important data from unauthorized accessing. Format Volume - Format existing partition to use as a new drive. Create Volume - Create new partitions with free Unallocated space, much more options than Disk Management. Convert to Logical - Convert Primary partition to Logical without data loss. Convert to FAT32 - Convert NTFS partition to FAT32 without data loss. Copy Volume - Clone single partition to back up data or migrate to another larger disk. Convert to Primary - Convert Logical partition to Primary without data loss. Convert to GPT - Convert MBR style disk to GPT without data loss. Clone Disk Wizard - File system level fast clone entire disk to migrate Operating System and data.
Merge Partitions - Combine two adjacent partitions into a larger one by several clicks without losing data. Move Partition - Drag and drop to move partition with contiguous Unallocated space without data loss. Shrink & Extend Partition - Drag and drop to decrease and increase size of allocated partition without losing data.