Groupon massage
Groupon massage

groupon massage

The client knows what your standard rate is, and will know they will be charged your standard rate when they come back to see you. Keep in mind: If you participate in a Daily Deal, you are not lowering your fees, you are simply offering a discount to get new clients in your door. Massage deal on Living Social “Deciding to Do a Daily Deal” is a hot topic among massage therapists. “Groupon” calls themselves “Groupon” because they provide a “Group coupon”… they need to sell a certain number of deals before the deal “tips”, or in other words, before the people in the group can get the deal (discounted offer). These Daily Deal companies help businesses get exposure, new clients and a big cash influx. There are now hundreds of “Daily Deal” companies needing US to give them something to offer to their list of members.

groupon massage

Groupon is an online promotional and marketing service that offers a “Daily Deal”. We also want to give a friendly plug for Irene’s next Active Myofascial Therapy seminars, held September & October 2013–register at . Enjoy! First, what the heck IS Groupon?

groupon massage

So, we asked Irene Diamond, an expert on the subject, to help us out today. We know there is a lot of debate in the massage therapy world about how effective these deals are for massage therapy marketing. In the last couple of years we’ve been introduced to online daily deal services like Groupon and Living Social. The topic of discounts, coupons and promotions has always been a hot-button topic for marketing your massage practice.

Groupon massage